There is a proven fact from a long time ago that the readable content of a page will distract the reader from focusing on the external form of the text or the form of paragraphs placed on the page he reads. Therefore, the Lorem Ipsum method is used because it gives a natural distribution – to some extent – to the characters instead of using “here there is text content, here there is text content”, making it look (that is, the letters) as if it were readable text. Many desktop publishing and web page editing programs use Lorem Ipsum by default as a sample text, and if you enter “lorem ipsum” into any search engine, many new sites will appear in the search results. Over the years, new and different versions of Lorem Ipsum’s text have appeared, sometimes by accident, sometimes deliberately as some humorous phrases have been inserted into it.
There are many types of Lorem Ipsum texts available, but most have been modified in some way by introducing some random anecdotes or words into the text. If you want to use a Lorem Ipsum text, you must first verify that there are no embarrassing or inappropriate words or phrases hidden in this text. While all the Lorem Ipsum text generators on the Internet repeat passages of the same Lorem Ipsum script as many times as needed, our generator uses words from a dictionary of more than 200 Latin words, plus a set of sample sentences, to create the Lorem text Ipsum has a logical form close to the real text. Thus, the resulting text is free of repetition, or any inappropriate words or phrases, or the like. This makes it the first true Lorem Ipsum text generator on the Internet